The Billy Briggs Memorial Scholarship program provides once-in-a-lifetime educational opportunity for students, ages 15-17 who are interested in exploring, enhancing and celebrating their Irish culture through a three-week program that is held each summer at the Colaiste Gael Linn Irish Cultural College in County Donegal.

Michele O'Rahilly and Todd Faulkner
2025 Woman and Hibernian of the Year
LAOH Mathair Gael and AOH Joe Cahill Division 10 have announced their 2025 Woman and Hibernian of the Year honorees. Division members Michele O'Rahilly and Todd Faulkner were presented at the LAOH/AOH Annual Santa Christmas Party held at American Legion Poast 458 Hall. Michele and her husband Gerry direct the Gael Scoil which will be held February 15-16, 2025. Todd, who also has been named Grand Marshal of the St Patricks Day Parade, with his wife Maureen are proprietors of the Tir Na nOg Irish Pub in Trenton. Pictured from l-r are AOH President Michael Rhodes, LAOH President Jake Kenna, Todd Faulkner and Michele O'Rahilly.
Todd Faulkner
St. Patrick's Day Parade @ Hamilton
AOH Joe Cahill Division 10's own Todd Faulkner has been named the Grand Marshal of the 2025 St. Patrick's Day Parade @ Hamilton. Todd was joined by his wife Maureen on December 6 at AOH Division 1 Hall, for the Grand Marshal Announcement luncheon MCd by Parade Chairman Vince McKelvey. Hamilton Mayor Jeff Martin and Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora addressed the gathering, which included Parade Coordinator Mary Ann Herncane, Parade Trustee Chairwoman Mary Jauss and Parade Marshal Joe DiPaola. 2024 Grand Marshals, Division 10's Kevin Meara and his wife Maryann, presented Todd with his Grand Marshal sash. Todd has been an active member in Division 10 since he relocated to NJ from Boston. Todd & Maureen are the proprietors of the Tir Na nOg Irish Pub in Trenton. Join Division 10 in celebrating one of our own!

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